| Auctions |

The fauss group will also hold auctions in the future in order to do justice to the wide range of possible uses arising from evictions, apartment and household liquidations, estates or other changes.

Would you like to auction a single piece of art, a valuable object or a collection?

Would you like to reduce or completely liquidate your household or that of a relative?

Are you an heir and would like to appropriately dispose of the estate?

Or are you looking for a solution on how to sell the valuable and usable office equipment and objects when you are vacating a business or moving?

There are many occasions. The fauss group auctions offer opportunities.

The fauss group auctions will offer buyers and sellers equally many opportunities. With a view to future fauss group auctions, here are examples of household liquidations and estates:

Christian Kruck, geb. 1925 Hamburg – gest. 1985 Frankfurt/Main, Dozent für Druckgraphik an der Städelschule in Frankfurt, Expressionistische Landschaftsdarstellung, Farblithographie, unter Passepartout und Glas gerahmt, rechts unten signiert, 60 x 42 cm.
Hilde Greller, 1906 – 2000 in Kaiserslautern, Meisterschule für Handwerker in Kaiserslautern, weitere Ausbildung in Düsseldorf und München, freischaffende Grafikerin und Malerin in Kaiserslautern. Aquarell, unter PP und Glas gerahmt, links unten signiert, 73x57 cm.
Berlin Potsdamer Platz mit Palast-Hotel und Hotel Bellevue um 1914, eine elektrische Straßenbahn sowie ein von Pferden gezogener Omnibus überqueren den Platz (Quelle: Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R52689). Fotografie, auf Kunststoffplatte aufgezogen und unter Glas gerahmt, 80x50 cm.

Porzellanfabrik Arzberg, Kaffeeservice, 70er Jahre, Form: 3000, Dekor: Retro orange braun, Entwurf: Industriedesigner Hans Theo Baumann, 20 Teile.
Ger Maas, 1931-2020 in Luxemburg, Kunststudium in Paris und Wien, Schülerin von Oskar Kokoschka„Été“, Tintenzeichnung, unter PP und Glas gerahmt, rechts unten signiert und datiert „70“, 45x38 cm.

Bernd Kastenholz, geb. 1949 in Speyer, Meisterschule für Handwerker in Kaiserslautern (Malerlehre), anschließend Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, seit 1972 freischaffender Künstler in Gleisweiler. „Tennis n ass“, Aquatinta, unter Passepartout und Glas gerahmt, unten rechts signiert, „e.a.“ = Epreuve d’artiste = Künstlerexemplar

The history of the auction is long. For over 2000 years it has represented an alternative to the simple take-it-or-leave-it offer.

In the meantime, a whole range of auction models have become established.

Here's a quick, brief overview.

English auction

The best-known form of auction is the English auction, in which the bidders place higher and higher bids and the highest bidder is finally awarded the contract when the gavel falls three times.

Two-sided auction

In a two-way auction, both sides, buyer and seller, bid. A typical example is the stock market.

Dutch auction

At a Dutch auction, falling prices are called until a bidder comes in and wins the bid. It was first practiced at the Dutch flower markets.

Japanese auction

At the Japanese auction, the auctioneer calls for an ever higher price. Bidders must express interest or drop out until only one remains. It is known for Japanese fish markets.

Order auction

“Order auctions” take place on a wide variety of Internet platforms. There, for example, services from craftsmen are in demand. The potential buyers write out their wishes and craftsmen can submit their offers. As a rule, it is not just the lowest price that is decisive.

Vickrey auction

The Vickrey auction, named after Nobel laureate William Vickrey, is a second price sealed auction. The bids are not made publicly, and the bidder with the highest bid does not pay his bid price, but the next lowest.

All-Pay or American Auction

The American auction is mainly used for charity events. The last highest bid wins, but everyone pays the difference between their bid and the previous bid.

It starts soon.

As a rule, the fauss group will carry out the well-known English auction variant - as a face-to-face auction, by telephone, in writing or online.

Other forms of auction can also be realized depending on meaningful occasions.

The time and place will be communicated in good time.

The fauss group team is reinforced by qualified experts who assess and value goods and treasures.

Before, during and after an auction, every step is transparent, from the initial assessment to billing.

You can email or WhatsApp photos of your auction items with explanations. If necessary, we will examine your objects in a personal meeting.

Upon delivery, your items will be recorded in an auction list with all the information and the jointly agreed limit/minimum bid.

The consignment should be made no later than 4 weeks before an auction.

Exceptions can only be made for short-term appointments in the case of perishable goods.

If you commission a third party, a power of attorney is required.

All interested bidders have the opportunity to inspect the objects.

Invoicing takes place within four weeks. In the case of business or household liquidations with an on-site auction, settlement can be made in cash.

If an object has not been auctioned, it will be offered for post-auction sale online or as part of another auction.

Contact us. Via our contact form, by phone or by e-mail.